Adjustment of fields to the new xChange format (5.14 API; 1.12 API Gateway) products -------- overallInformation: descriptionShort - change of key name to "productName" descriptionLong - change of key name to "longDescription" descriptionVeryShort - change of key name to "minimalDescription" tenderText - change of key name to "marketingText" tenderText - new field; multilingual; up to 10000 characters remark - changed to single multilingual; change of key name to "applicationInstruction" manufacturerAcronym - change of key name to "manufacturerShortName" productSeries - change of key name to "brandSeries" productVariation - change of key name to "brandVariation" countryOfOrigin - changed to multiple productToStock - change of key name to "productInStock" discountGroupSupplier - change of key name to "discountGroupId" discountGroupDescription - new field; multilingual; up to 100 characters bonusGroupSupplier - change of key name to "bonusGroupId" bonusGroupDescription - new field; multilingual; up to 100 characters netWeightOfHazardousSubstance - change of key name to "netWeightOfHazardousSubstances" shippingName - change of key name to "properShippingName" specialProvisionId - change of key name to "specialProvision" reachInfo - change of key name to "reachIndicator" reachListDate - change of key name to "reachDate" customsNumber - change of key name to "customsCommodityCode"